

Three martial arts photos of Bruce Lee in action poses and training with motivational quotes.


Bruce Lee 'Be Water' Olive PO Hoody
$ 89 USD
Bruce Lee Be Water Melton Jacket
$ 295 USD
Bruce Lee Oakland '67 Vintage Grey Tee
$ 50 USD
Bruce Lee '67 Navy PO Hoody
$ 89 USD
Bruce Lee '67 Grey Tee
$ 55 USD
Bruce Lee '67 Yellow Socks
$ 19 USD
Bruce Lee Photo Vintage White Tee
$ 50 USD
Bruce Lee Classic Black Shorts
$ 33 USD


About — Bruce Lee

“Life itself is your teacher, and you are

in a state of constant learning”

Today, we honor the life and legacy of Bruce Lee, the "Little Dragon," whose impact as the most influential martial artist of all time remains unparalleled.

Bruce stood as a giant in his era, captivating audiences at the Long Beach Internationals with his Gung-Fu techniques and pioneering new ways of thought. His prowess as a teacher and practitioner of Jeet Kune Do was matched only by his charisma on the silver screen. By the early '70s, he had become a global icon, starring in legendary films like Fists of Fury and Enter the Dragon.

But, Bruce will always be more than a film star; he is a philosopher, a teacher, and a symbol of discipline. His influence on martial arts and pop culture is everlasting. “A good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously,” he believed, embodying this principle in every aspect of his life.

Black-and-white images of Bruce Lee at different stages, with handwritten notes and 'BRUCE LEE' text.

Bruce Lee epitomizes cool. He turned every playground into a battle scene where everyone wanted to be like him. His iconic moves and sounds, from the exotic watah to the fierce keeyah, were his unique creations. 

He is an enlightened warrior whose voice echoes through generations, inspiring belief in the potential of all human beings. The godfather of mixed martial arts, he remains the ultimate badass, forever in our hearts and minds. 

Today, we remember Bruce Lee not only as a cult hero but as a symbol of human potential and resilience. His legacy of discipline, innovation, and sheer coolness continues to inspire and captivate the world.


Martial artist in a fighting stance with uniformed students observing in the background.
A shirtless man with nunchaku's yelling defiantly in a black and white scene.